Seminarian Annual Appeal & Fundraising Dinners
Fundraising Dinners
The annual seminarian fundraising dinners take place each year in August and provides a unique setting for the faithful of the diocese to meet the men who are discerning a call to the priesthood. We hope and pray that these men will one day become great priests for future generations of Catholics within our diocese. The events are fundraising dinners to support our seminarians. They include time to socialize, evening prayer, dinner and a brief program.
Prayers and financial support are essential to the vocational discernment of our seminarians. Donations to the seminarian fund supports the tuition, summer ministry, books, room and boarding expenses of our current seminarians, as well as recruitment of future seminarians. The average annual cost to educate one seminarian is more than $50,000. If you have any questions, please call Corrina Hudsonpillar at 785-639-2100.
Seminarian Collection
The seminarian collection is held in every parish across the diocese and occurs during one of the first weekends in August. Donations to this collection support the tuition, books and board and summer ministry expenses of the seminarians, as well as recruitment of future seminarians. Thank you for your continued prayers and support of our seminarians.
Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sin Amet
Donec elementum id tincidunt etiam enim. Amet eleifend ullamcorper egestas sed ac nunc et egestas bibendum. Ante nec eget tristique nibh dictum sed dictum. Sodales facilisis mauris vulputate in. Erat nunc turpis leo habitant nec. Sit lorem egestas tincidunt purus at nulla.
What your gift can do
Seminarians are the future leaders of our Church. The average annual cost to educate one seminarian is over $50,000. Together, we will prepare them to serve the Diocese of Salina with compassion, wisdom, and holiness.
Provides a seminary visit for a prospective seminarian
Provides books for one seminarian for a year
Provides a year of transportation for one seminarian
Provides a seminarian with a summer spirituality program
Provides one semester of room and board for one seminarian
Provides one semester of tuition for one seminarian
Make a Gift Today to Support our Seminarians
The Catholic Foundation for Diocese of Salina
P.O. Box 1696, Salina, KS 67402-1696.