Frequently Asked Questions about the Catholic Foundation for Diocese of Salina


Common Inquiries

Where do I send my check?

PO Box 1696 Salina, KS 67402-1696

What is the Tax ID for the Catholic Foundation for Diocese of Salina?


General Topics

What is the Catholic Foundation for Diocese of Salina?

The Catholic Foundation for Diocese of Salina supports the diocese, along with its parishes, Catholic schools, and ministries through fundraising and fund management, and investments. It manages over 115 endowment and investment accounts for parishes, schools, and ministries through our diocese and serves as the fundraising arm for the Diocese of Salina. The staff of the foundation conducts annual appeals and processes all gifts. The foundation is responsible for the Bishop’s Annual Appeal, the annual Seminarian Fundraising Dinners and Appeal, the annual Communications and Publications Appeal, and the #iGiveCatholic campaign.

I tithe to my parish; do I need to tithe to the diocese, too?

A parish tithe is different from a gift to the appeals conducted by the foundation. A parish tithe directly supports the mission and ministry of your parish. It helps pay the bills, supports missions, and provides support for programs specific to your parish. Typically given on a weekly or scheduled basis, a parish tithe is a regular commitment. The diocese, serving all 86 parishes and thousands of faithful across central and northwestern Kansas, manages resources, programs, missions, and more without the benefit of a weekly tithe. To ensure the mission of the diocese continues, we invite you to prayerfully consider making a gift to diocesan appeals. The diocese exists solely to serve the parishes and the faithful, like you!

When I give to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal, does the money stay in the diocese?

Ninety-nine percent of the funds raised by the Bishop’s Annual Appeal stay in the Diocese of Salina. 1% goes to national collections as determined by the Bishop.

Is the Foundation part of the Diocese of Salina?

The Catholic Foundation for Diocese of Salina is a separate legal entity from the Diocese, but it was formed as a support organization to the diocese. The Foundation assists individuals and organizations in building lasting financial support for the parishes, schools, and other ministries of the diocese.

How is the Catholic Foundation for Diocese of Salina different than other foundations?

  • The Catholic Foundation for Diocese of Salina is committed to ensuring all investment decisions meet or exceed the standards for investing with Catholic values set forth by the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops (USCCB).
  • The foundation follows both Canon law and civil law to ensure all funds are distributed in accordance with donor intent.
    Donors can use the foundation as a “one-stop” shop. We can break larger gifts of securities, grain, and property down into gifts for multiple beneficiaries.
  • We can help donors leave their Catholic legacy with planned gifts in their wills.
  • We are Catholics promoting Catholic giving to the Catholic ministries in our Catholic Diocese.

Why was the CFDS established?

The Catholic Foundation for Diocese of Salina started in 2021. The mission of the Catholic Foundation is to support all aspects of the Catholic faith in the Diocese of Salina by developing, managing, growing, and granting funds using Catholic values and honoring the donor’s intent. CFDS is independent of the diocese, with Bishop Vincke as a board member – allowing for the oversight required by the Code of Canon Law. The remaining board members are mostly laypeople from across the diocese with experience in finance, investments, and development. The foundation makes it possible for the diocese to focus on spiritual matters while we offer the transparency expected by modern donors.

What are the benefits of working with the CFDS?

The Catholic Foundation for Diocese of Salina is an ideal place to help your gifts earn more and to provide more support for those in need. The foundation offers many benefits to you, including assistance and advice tailored to your needs and giving interests and tax advantages of various types of gifts. Additionally, the foundation is committed to ensuring all investment decisions adhere to Catholic values and the standards set forth by the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops (USCCB).

Are there tax benefits of giving through the CFDS?

Gifts to the Catholic Foundation for Diocese of Salina are tax deductible. It is recommended to consult with your financial advisor or accountant for specific tax benefits tailored to your situation. There may be tax-friendly ways to support the diocese through your gift.

How can I support the diocese, my parish, Catholic School, or favorite ministry after death?

You may support Diocesan ministries, your parish, a Catholic school, or the diocese through an estate gift to the foundation. Charitable estate gifts may include a gift designation in your will, your retirement account, a life insurance policy, or a charitable trust. These gift designations may come with certain tax benefits.


How and when will I receive a receipt of my donation(s)?

If you choose to donate online, you can expect to receive a receipt via email shortly after your donation is processed. If you mail in your donation, you will receive a physical letter containing your receipt.

Will my contributions to the CFDS/diocese be kept confidential?

All gifts made to the foundation/diocese are confidential unless express permission to publish is given to the Foundation.

Can I give anonymously to the CFDS?

Gifts to the Catholic Foundation for Diocese of Salina can be made anonymously. We do ask that you inform us of the gift, if possible, so that we may thank you for the gift and provide appropriate tax documentation

Is it possible to make regularly scheduled gifts via credit/debit card or my bank account?

To set up regularly scheduled gifts via credit/debit card or your bank account, visit the “give” button in the top right corner. From there, choose the cause you wish to support, select the option for recurring donation, and then enter your payment information.

I would like to change the payment method for my recurring gift. How can I do so?

Give us a call at 785-827-8746.

I would like to stop my recurring gift. How can I do so?

Contact our team at 785-827-8746.

What happens if there is an issue with my credit/debit card or bank account that is being used for a recurring gift?

We are happy to assist you via phone at 785-827-8746.

What kind of gifts does the CFDS accept?

We accept various types of gifts, including cash, checks, IRA, grain, property, donor-advised fund, and estate contributions.

Foundation Funds

How are the Foundation’s funds invested?

The funds are invested following the USCCB guidelines for socially responsible investing. From that starting point the Foundation Investment Committee and independent consultant have developed an investment policy to ensure prudent management of the investments.

Who manages the Foundation’s investments?

The Foundation has a team of people who help to manage the funds. First, the Foundation has an Investment Committee made up of business and investment professionals in our diocese who help to oversee the investment holdings, the investment managers, and investment performance. Second, the Foundation uses an independent investment consultant to help select the actual investments and fund managers. This independent consultant is the one who performs all the transactions on behalf of the Foundation.

What investment strategy does the Foundation follow?

The Foundation, in conjunction with the Investment Committee and independent consultant, has developed multiple investment strategies to help meet the investment goals and risk tolerances of the different funds.

Are there any costs related to establishing a fund with the Catholic Foundation?

There is no cost to start a fund. Some types of funds have a minimum start-up deposit amount. All funds are assessed administrative fees of 1% annually with a $10,000 cap.

Are the CFDS funds separate from Diocesan funds?

The foundation manages many of the diocesan funds. Some diocesan funds are held directly by the diocese.

Can a fund at the Foundation benefit non-Catholic organizations?

Our goal is to administer mostly gifts to Catholic ministries and institutions inside the Diocese of Salina. If a donor would like to make a larger gift and include Catholic institutions outside of the diocese (Catholic universities, etc.) or to a valid non-profit organization that operates consistently with Catholic values (Big Brother / Big Sisters, for example), we would be able to process those gifts. If you have questions, it is advisable to contact the foundation staff.

I would like to contribute towards a specific project or initiative in the diocese. Can the CFDS assist me with this?

Absolutely. Call us at 785-827-8746.

Make a Gift Today

Make a secure gift online or send a check to:
The Catholic Foundation for Diocese of Salina
P.O. Box 1696, Salina, KS 67402-1696.

Make a Gift Today

Make a secure gift online or send a check to:

The Catholic Foundation for Diocese of Salina
P.O. Box 1696, Salina, KS 67402-1696.

Make a Gift Today

Make a secure gift online or send a check to:

The Catholic Foundation for Diocese of Salina
P.O. Box 1696, Salina, KS 67402-1696.

Make a Gift Today to Support Seminarians

Make a secure gift online or send a check to:

The Catholic Foundation for Diocese of Salina
P.O. Box 1696, Salina, KS 67402-1696.

Make a Gift To Support Communications & Publications

Make a secure gift online or send a check to:

The Catholic Foundation for Diocese of Salina
P.O. Box 1696, Salina, KS 67402-1696.