Bishop’s Annual Appeal

Whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God - 1 Cor. 10:31

You Make Our Mission Possible

The Bishop’s Annual Appeal – Call to Share kicked off the weekend of February 10-11, 2024. Your gift sustains the endeavors of our diocese in fulfilling its call to serve – “Together, let us be disciples of Jesus on mission”. The Annual Appeal, and your gift, plays a pivotal role in transforming countless lives through the support it provides to a multitude of ministries and programs.

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The Bishop's Annual Giving Circle

Members are celebrated for their inspired generosity and discipleship as they support Bishop’s efforts to fund the ministries supported by gifts to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal.


$1,500 - $2,499

Join us as a cherished Friend, contributing to the warmth and camaraderie that makes our diocese a home.


$2,500 - $4,999

Elevate your impact as a Patron, playing a crucial role in fostering growth and prosperity within our parishes, schools, and ministries.


$5,000 - $7,499

Become a Missionary and embody the spirit of service, supporting initiatives that extend the reach of our diocese's mission far and wide.


$7,500 - $9,999

Step into the role of a Shepherd, guiding and sustaining the spiritual well-being of our faithful through your generous support.


$10,000 - $19,999

Embrace the calling of a Disciple, walking hand-in-hand with us on this journey of faith, education and support.


$20,000 & up

Attain the level of giving as a Saint, embodying a selfless commitment to the spiritual well-being, and flourishing of our entire diocese.

Make a Gift To The Bishop’s Annual Appeal

Make a secure gift online or send a check to:

The Catholic Foundation for Diocese of Salina
P.O. Box 1696, Salina, KS 67402-1696.

Letter from Bishop

I have been a priest for 24 years, and one of my favorite parts of being a priest is being invited into the lives of so many people: from being a part of the joyful moments of baptisms, weddings and conversion stories to the hard moments of death, loss and tragedy.

But one of the best things I have witnessed is the joy that comes from a life of saying ‘yes’ to God. When we say ‘yes’ to the little things and the big things God asks of us, we bring glory to His name.

Today, I invite you to glorify God with a ‘yes’ to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal – Call to Share.

Your gift to the appeal makes it possible for our diocese to be successful in the mission to help others encounter the saving, merciful love of Jesus. Your gifts fund the different mission and evangelization efforts of our diocese. Because of you, we can be disciples who go out and make other disciples.

Thank you for your faithfulness and generosity.

In Christ’s service, 
Most Reverend Gerald L. Vincke 
Bishop of Salina

Our Legacy of Faith

The mission of the Diocese of Salina is to uphold tradition and to continue the vibrant legacy of our Catholic faith. We give glory through:

Family Life

Hispanic Ministry

Celebrations of the Sacrament

Rural Life

Religious Education

Communication & Evangelization

Catholic Schools

Youth & Young Adult Ministry

Hospital & Prison Chaplaincy

Marriage Tribunal

Natural Family Planning

Respect Life

Active Clergy


Retired Clergy


Make a Gift Today

Make a secure gift online or send a check to:

The Catholic Foundation for Diocese of Salina
P.O. Box 1696, Salina, KS 67402-1696.

Make a Gift Today

Make a secure gift online or send a check to:

The Catholic Foundation for Diocese of Salina
P.O. Box 1696, Salina, KS 67402-1696.

Make a Gift Today to Support Seminarians

Make a secure gift online or send a check to:

The Catholic Foundation for Diocese of Salina
P.O. Box 1696, Salina, KS 67402-1696.

Make a Gift To Support Communications & Publications

Make a secure gift online or send a check to:

The Catholic Foundation for Diocese of Salina
P.O. Box 1696, Salina, KS 67402-1696.